Piano vs. Keyboard

As a piano teacher, as well as tuner, I see a drastic difference between those who practice on a keyboard vs. a piano at home. There are immense benefits to owning a piano and below I will list a few.

1-Motivation to practice: There’s no comparison to the feel and sound of a piano. Students who had a keyboard and then switched to a piano begin to practice more often! It’s more fun and it sounds better.

2- Weight of the keys: students can’t learn dynamics, articulation, or any sort of technique on a keyboard. So, although they can learn the basics of reading and play notation, they can’t actually learn the art of real “music making” on a keyboard.

3- Pedals: Keyboards don’t have them. There ya go.

4- Appearance in your home: Lets face it- pianos are pretty and keyboards are not. They don’t have to take up a lot of space either. There are many different sizes available that can work for the available space in your home.

These are just a few reasons! If you’re thinking about purchasing a piano for your home, be sure to give me a call! There are many affordable used pianos out there that are of good quality. Don’t just pick one, though. Have an expert help you sift through the good and the bad ones to find what’s right for your home and family.